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Bhutan: The Druk Neykor initiative makes it easy to access places of worship. Learn more about it.

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The Department of Tourism in Bhutan introduced the Druk Neykor program, a comprehensive effort aimed at giving visitors an entire experience spanning 108 carefully chosen locations and landmarks throughout Bhutan. These locations have been selected to showcase the nation's rich cultural heritage, profound spirituality, and long history. Travelers of different ages who want to learn more about Bhutan's distinctive history will find the program to be adapted to their needs. It provides a wide variety of experiences, including spiritual sanctuaries, historical sites, and cultural hubs.

Visitors are exposed to a variety of fascinating locations, with the first focus being on trips to 16 locations inside Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan. These are Talangkha Drugyel Goenpa, Tshelung Ney, and Wangditse Lhakhang, each of which provides a distinctive perspective on Bhutanese history and culture.

Hiking trails or roads can be used to reach these locations, giving tourists the freedom to select their preferred method of exploration. In addition, travelers' comfort and convenience are guaranteed by the availability of lodging options near these holy locations. Through the Druk Neykor program, travelers can have a relaxing and enlightening experience while discovering Bhutan's cultural and spiritual treasures, regardless of whether they are lodging in hotels, guesthouses, or campsites.

The creative passport system of Druk Neykor is what really makes the experience unique. With this approach, visitors can fully immerse themselves in their tour by gathering stamps at every place of spiritual significance they visit. These stamps are concrete mementos of the profound experiences that were had, from the serene atmosphere of the Druk Wangyel Chorten, Dochula, which provides expansive views of the majestic Himalayas, to the breathtaking Tiger's Nest monastery. Each stamp represents a deeper connection to Bhutan's rich spiritual legacy and cultural identity, in addition to a physical presence at these hallowed locations.