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Become your own champion: 10 mental control strategies

Image credit: additional resources.

After what seemed like an endless day, you're getting into bed. Your pillows are beckoning to you, and your body is exhausted. But your mind goes crazy as soon as you become comfortable. You're not sure how to respond to these sudden thoughts that have crossed your mind. All of a sudden, you feel anxious and unable to fall asleep. It's difficult to feel in total control of our ideas because we frequently have so many throughout the day. It seems like they take over your mind at times.

At that point, you realize you have to master mental control. It is possible to train your mind to replace undesirable, negative thoughts with more optimistic ones. It won't happen instantly, but with consistent work, you'll be able to direct your attention toward more constructive, uplifting things. Let's explore the significance of thought regulation and the relationship between the mind and body.

Unwanted thoughts: what are they?

We are aware that optimism and positive thinking can truly enhance our physical and mental well-being. However, unwelcome thoughts might depress us and leave us feeling hopeless. They distract us from the here and now by making us think about the past or experience anxiety about the future. Unwanted thoughts can make us feel insecure, more self-doubting, and low in self-esteem, which can make it difficult for us to engage in negative self-talk.

These pessimistic ideas can occasionally appear automatic. Maybe anything made you think of a friend you lost or a chance you had to seize. Your unwanted thoughts could have ruined your current task or kept you from attempting anything different.

And if you have mental health issues, it could get worse. According to research, depression increases the number of unpleasant thoughts, which makes it more difficult to maintain mental control. Unwanted thoughts can be detrimental to our general well-being if we don't make the effort to regain control over them. If you believe you're the only one having trouble with unwelcome ideas, you're very far from alone. Our coaches at BetterUp provide assistance and direction as you strive to develop a healthy sense of wellbeing.

How to control your mind

It's difficult to learn how to take back control of your mind and stop undesirable ideas. It requires a lot of concentration and effort. On some days, you may feel negatively affected by your unpleasant ideas. It's crucial to steer clear of the question, "Can you control your mind?" since you most definitely can.

Image credit: additional resources.

1. Engage in breathing exercises and mindfulness meditation.

2. Instead of using derogatory remarks on yourself, use constructive affirmations.

3. Throughout the day, take a moment to calm your thoughts.

4. Steer clear of anything that make you think negatively, such as browsing social media.

5. If you're unclear about how to think or confused, ask yourself self-evaluation questions.

6. Gain greater self-awareness to see the patterns that lead to your undesirable ideas, such as negative thinking or rumination.

7. Try confronting your inner critic and adopting a more optimistic outlook on things.

8. Make sure you get enough sleep after working out or during a hectic day.

9. Write down your ideas and feelings in a journal to release them.

10. Seek support from a life coach, therapist, or dependable friend or loved one.

11. Recognize that it's acceptable to have thoughts, but let go of those that don't further your goals.

12. Put an end to the advise that negative, gloomy people provide you.

13. When intrusive thoughts overpower you, visualize things positively.

14. Take a break from yourself by making a call, viewing a show, or taking a stroll.

Why is it important to control your mind?

Controlling our thoughts enables us to fulfill both our immediate and long-term objectives. It enables us to approach our days with a clear, self-assured, growing mindset, both personally and professionally. When our brains are attacked, especially when the attack originates from within, it can be difficult to accomplish our goals.

These assaults have the potential to divert us, instill self-doubt, and impede our advancement. However, your life is impacted by the things you focus on. It will be simpler for you to maintain an optimistic outlook if you can learn to ignore your negative ideas.

Make an effort to focus on avoiding pessimistic thoughts. We can accomplish our goals when we have a more targeted attitude free from unwelcome thoughts.

We occasionally need to exercise mental self-control to prevent ourselves from thinking pleasant things that could end up upsetting or negatively impacting us. It's critical to have a healthy sense of optimism and to be realistic about our surroundings. It is also detrimental to our mental health to be overly optimistic to the point of being toxic.

It's equally crucial to acknowledge and regulate that as it is to manage our undesired thoughts.