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Why is Salman Khan popular now that Goldy Brar's passing was announced? Examine his connection to the alleged murder of Sidhu Moosewala.

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News regarding Goldy Brar's passing in the US was covered by a number of media outlets. The US police, however, have denied these allegations. One of the main suspects in the murder of Punjabi musician Sidhu Moosewala is the gangster.

Gangster Goldy Brar is once again in the news due to rumors in the media that he was shot and killed on April 30 in the United States. Brar is a main suspect in the murder of Punjabi musician Sidhu Moosewala. Wide-ranging rumors concerning the mobster, who had also threatened Bollywood actor Salman Khan with death, have been stoked by this news.

Who is Goldy Brar?

In the murder of Punjabi musician Sidhu Moosewala, Brar is a top suspect. Even though Brar was raised in a police family, he decided to become an underworld mobster. He was born in Punjab in 1994 and received his diploma from the state. It has been reported that he works out of Canada.

Gangster Goldy Brar's death news

According to several media reports, Goldy Brar was fatally shot in the US after he was attacked on April 30 in Fairmont and Holt Avenue in California's Fresno.

Truth behind Goldy Brar's death claim

The US Police have denied allegations that Brar died in a shooting incident in California, despite rumors to the contrary. The victim, 37-year-old Xavier Gladney, was identified by the Fresno police department, which dismissed multiple media reports and said that the incident had nothing to do with the case of a gang killing in India. ANI reported this information citing the Fresno Bee, a local community newspaper.

Salman Khan and Goldy Brar's connection

Following his admission of guilt over the death of Punjabi artist Sidhu Moosewala in 2023, Goldy Brar declared Salman Khan his next target. Salman Khan is the next person Brar says he wants to kill. Furthermore, he declared that he would not give up on killing his adversaries until he succeeded.

Social media reaction to Goldy Brar's ‘fake’ death news

When a number of media outlets announced Goldy Brar's passing on Wednesday, the false information quickly sparked a number of tributes to Salman Khan on social media.